Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blog experiment

I have decided to experiment with an economic blog diary. The purpose of the blog is to try to keep track of economic events as they come along. I thought writing down some reactions might be helpful to clarify my thinking and perhaps help guide my students to some interesting material as it relates to the things we talk about. I have no idea if I will update this frequently or not, or even at all. Time will only tell.


  1. Gauti,

    You are really famous in some circles of nerd-dom (my circles). If you write blogs, people will read them. Please, do it.

    Here are some suggestions:

    1) When should the Fed taper?

    2) Is aggregate demand still insufficient in the U.S.?

    3) What should the Fed target? NGDP?

    4) Can persistent wage stickiness still be a problem? Stephen Williamson plays the foil

    5) Is US Fed policy bad for the ROW? Tyler Cowen:

    Maybe you have better things to do than blog. Fair enough, but I'll happily try to nudge you in the other direction.


  2. I think tracking economic events in a blog diary is an excellent way to clarify thinking and find engaging learning materials.
